Tuesday, February 14, 2012

what a constant is
a constant is a number
it does not change
it in- or decreases the expression
find the constant:
the constant is 2
the secret to adding easier
61+97 can be broken up to 60+1 and 90+7
add the ones
add the tens
add them together
now you have the answer
how do multiplication
remember, multiplication is just repeated addition
think of 5x4 as 5+5+5+5
that's all you need to know
the secret to keeping isfeld happy-revealed!
  1. don't talk, just keep your mouth shut
  2. just work on the subject
  3. pay attention
  4. if you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask
  5. follow these rules
how to model a variable
  1. use 10v -9, as an example
  2. in this case, v can equal 3
  3. replace v with 3
  4. solve 10x3
  5. solve the rest of the equation
  6. congrats
equivalent fractions
1/2 = 2/4=5/10
multiply the denominator and the numerator with the same number
that's all you have to do
Bedmas question
how to add with unlike denominators
  1. take the 2 (or more) fractions (2/9 and 5/7)
  2. find the LCM (63, for this one)
  3. make equivalent fractions (remember, what is done to the bottom must be done to the top
  4. add (14/63+45/63)
  5. change it to lowest terms (69/63=1 6/63=1 2/21)
  6. you're done!
how you can convert mixed numbers into improper fractions
  1. you take the fraction (2 5/9 as an example)
  2. multiple the whole number by the denominator (2x9=18)
  3. take that answer (18) and add it to the numerator (18+5=23)
  4. put the new numerator (23) over the denominator (23/9)
  5. you just converted a mixed number into a fraction!
how to do #23 on the number of the day

take the answer to question 21 (2/9, for example) and divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) (in this case, it's 2/9) and that's your answer

chapter 7 review

Page 235, question 10
Determine a common denominator for the set of fractions. Use the common denominator to write an equivalent fraction. Then list the fractions in order from least to greatest.

chapter 7 review

Page 234, question 10
Determine a common denominator for each pair of fractions. Which is larger fraction in each pair?
A)3/4, 13/16=16 13/16 is larger
B)5/7, 36/49=49 36/49 is larger
C)11/30, 3/10=30 11/30 is larger
D)12/27, 4/9= 27 the fractions are equal

Chapter 6 review

Page 222, question 8
Write each fraction in lowest terms.
A) 4/8 =1/2


A number that can go into another with no remainder.

e.g. 12/2=6

12 is divisible by 2
2 is a factor of 12

Chapter 6 review

Page 223, question 16
Subtract.Write each answer in lowest terms.
A) 2/3-1/3=1/3

Divisible rule for 1.

Divisiblity rule for 1:
All whole numbers divisible by 1.

Divisible rule for 2.

The rule for the number 2 is-
All even numbers are divisible by 2

All even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8.

Chapter 6 review

Add. Then write each answer in lowest terms.
A) 2/3+1/3 = 1whole
B) 3/8+1/8= 1/2
C) 1/12+5/12= 1/2
D)3/5+1/5= 4/5
E)1/14+1/14= 1/7



To solve a b.e.d.m.a.s question, check brackets going down then you put those questions in order.

Greatest Common Factor Definition.

Greatest common factor-
Factors are the numbers you multiply together to get another number:

Then the common factors are those that are found in both numbers:

It is simply the largest of the common factors.


The product of any given number
and natural number like 1, 2, and 3.

Multiple example:
Some multiples of 5:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and 60.

Divisiblility Rules.

The rules of Divisibility.

1- Any whole number is divisible by 1.

2- All even numbers are divisible by 2.

3- The sum of the digits must be a multiple of three.

4- Numbers that can be divided by two twice are divisible by 4.

5- All numbers that end with 0 and 5 are divisible by 5.

6- Numbers that are divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6.

7- No 7

8- Numbers that can be divided by two three times are divisible by 8.

10- All numbers that end with 0 are divisible by 10.

Chapter 4.3 review

Page 143, question 4
Estimate which percent is larger. Then calculate each percent
A) 50% of 184 or 25% of 208 =92,25
B) 10% of 640 or 1% of 625 = 64,3.25
C) 35% of 140 or 70% of 60 = 49,42

chapter 1 review

page 38, question 4
A fan turning is an example of a transformation. What type?
A) Reflection
B) Rotation
C) Translation
D) Slide

The answer is B) rotation

Variable, Expession, Value, Constant, and Numerical Coefficient.

Variable- A letter that represents an unknown number.
(Examples on side.)

- Any single number, variable or combination of operations (+, -, and x.) involving numbers and variables.
(Examples on side.)

Value- A known or calculated amount.

- A number that doesn't change and increases or decreases the value of the expression.

Numerical Coefficient- A number that multiplies the variable.

chapter 7 review

Page 260,
10 a) 1/6+1/3=
1\6+2/6=3/6 or 1/2
b) 2/5+1/10
4/10+1/10=5/10 or 1/2
c) 3/4+3/5=
15/20+ 15/20
d) 1/4+1/3=
3/12+ 3/012=6/12 or 1/2
e) 5/6+3/4=
/12+9/12= /12
f) 1/10+2/3=
/ +

how to order fractions

How to order fractions step1 find the value of the fractions e g. 1/2,2/3,1 1/4 now that you have found the value order the fractions that I showed above order them. 1 1/4,2/3,1/2 now if you find the value the vaule of any fraction this should be easy.

how to convert fractions

How to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers step1 find the value of the mixed number.eg.
11/10 once you find the value of the improper fraction convert it to a mixed number eg. 1 11/10 is the mixed number that you converted from a improper fraction


I've learned how to add percentages

78% + 14% =92%
this is how to do B.E.D.M.A.S step1 look for any brackets or exponents in the question. (3x3)+9÷3.In this case there's not so do the brackets. (3x3)=9now that you got that time to divide. 9÷3=3now add 3+9=12 when your done all questions should look like the one i just showed you.
ONE IMPORTANT RULE: Always remember to follow the orders of operations witch are brackets,exponents.multiplication,division,addition,subtraction


I have learned how to order decimals least to greatest or greatest to least

Order from least to greatest
0.28, 0.1, 0.78, 0.1232, 1.1

0.1, 0.1232, 0.28, 0.78, 1.1

How to divide to get lowest terms

this is how to get to the lowest fraction term. step1 8/12 ÷2=4/6 ÷2=2/3.
step2 keep going till you reach the lowest fraction you can get in this case its two thirds

number of the day #2 and #11

All you have to do is write the number of the day in expanded form
9000+800+70+6+0.5+0.04+0.003 Easy!
Now for number eleven is square the number which means times the number two times
and you are done

Number of the day #8

Write a power using the digit in the 100th place as thr base and the digit in the 10s place as the exponent.
Example: 1234.567
two will be the base and three will be the exponent
(yes the three is the exponent I just put it in red)

Variable .

Variable- A letter that represents an unknown number .
you can find these in equations .
Like : 3c+2


For bedmas all you do is start off with any brackets you do first.
(the red numbers stands for exponents)
(2+3)2x6+3(8-7)3 Do brackets first.
52x6+3(8-7)3 Keep going!
52x6+3 13 Now do exponents.
25x6+3 13 More exponents.
25x6+3 1 Now multiplication.
150+3 1 Adding!
153x1 Now whens theres a space it mean multiplication.
{153} And that's your answer

Bedmas .

B-Brackets E-Expontenets D-Division M-Multipication A-Addition S-Subtraction
(52) is suppose to be an exponent .

Number of the day #13

All you do for 13 is multiply.
Now times it.
See easy!

Determine The Value Of The Experession.

<--- This when y is 3 .
The y turns into a 3 .

The brackets means to multiple .

Table of Values .

A table is just like a graph but you put a box around it or a table around it .

This graph shows the term and how much is in that term.

how to subtact fractions with like denomenaters

this how to subtract fractions. step1 only subtract the top not the bottom eg. 5/6 -4/6=1/6 So thats how you subtract fractions

how to add fractions

this how to add fractons 1/6 + 4/6 thats the qusetion now theres only one step to this add the top. ONE IMPORTANT RULE DON'T ADD THE DENOMENATERS. now add the numoraters and and you will be done 1/6+4/6=5/6
this is how to add MIXED NUMBERS NUMBERS WITH UNLIKE DENOMENATERS STEP 1 1 2/3 + 5 2/6 that is the question step2 take care of the whole numbers FIRST 1+5=6.now find the comon denominater thats step3 3,6.9,12,18
6,12,18,24, now that the denomenaters or the same now it'stime to find out what the value of the numorater is. 2/3 X3=3/6. 3/6 +2/6= 1 now add them all together
this is how to find common denomanaters. step 1 frist put out the common mulitples eg 2 4 6 8 1 12 .
6 12 18 24 30. now both the demonenaters are the same then do the top this is step 1/2 X3= 3/6. now add the top of the fractions. 1/6+3/6=4/6 thats how you add fractoins with unlike denomenaters.

Number of the day #21 and 25

Okay so to do number 21 and 25 you start off with any two numbers
Example: 2794.681
Now use these to create a fraction, 2/4 easy!
Take that fraction and put it into a percent
50% and that's your answer for number 25 and 21
Hoped you learned something!

Number of the day #10

For number 10 in number of the day it asks you to cube a number.
To cube a number you must times the number 3 times.
example: 4327.895
See all you do is cube the ones place simple!
Hoped you learned something
expression-any single number or variable, or combination or operations(-,+,x) involving numbers and variables.
Constant-a number that does no change and it increases or decreases the value of an expression.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Number of the day #8

Write using the digit in the hundreths place as the base and the tens place as the exponent

Example number: 4327.165 = 62

What does N stand for?

Since were starting to learn algebra in math I thought you should know what N means.

N = any number
It is not N, because it's the first letter of the word number.

How to add fractions with the same denominator

When you add fractions with common denominators, all you have to add is the numerator and when you get the sum of adding the 2 numerators you put the sum as the numerator and the denominator you had as a common denominator the denominator.

Here is an example of adding fractions with common denominators.

Subtracting Factions

Subtracting fractions with like denominators.

3/6 - 2/6 = ?

Definition of Variable

A letter that represents an unknown number

Example: r, h, y, a, e

If you want to know more Click right here

Number of the day #21

Use any two digits to make a proper fraction
Eg. 7365.921
Just make a fraction from any of those seven numbers

Here is one of them


Adding Mixed Numbers

What is a mixed number? A number made up of a whole number and a fraction such as:

Try this:
Step 1) Deal with fractions. Already has common denominator.
Step 2) Deal with whole numbers.
Step 3) Combine whole numbers and fractions.

Adding Mixed Numbers

Eg. 1 1/3 + 1 1/4

First your find the L.C.M

3 - 3,6,9,12
4 - 4,8,12

Then add how many multiples to the numerator
1/3 = 4/12
1/4 = 3/12
Then add them together
4/12 + 3/12 = 7/12

Then add the whole numbers
1 + 1 = 2
Then combine the fraction and whole number
2 7/12

Number of the day #13

The product of all the digits

Eg. 1234.567

Just multiply each number in the whole number

How you do it:

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5040

L.C.M (Lowest Common Multiple)

Here's one of the things we learned in math for the past couple months.

L.C.M is the number that is the first equivalent number that comes in when you add the number up.

For example;

What is the L.C.M of 4 and 8?

4, 8, 12, 16
8, 16

And that's you answer! 16 is the L.C.M of 4 and 8.

Number of the day #3

Write the number in written form

Just write the number of the day in words

Eg. 5278.319

Five thousand two hundred seventy eight and three hundred nineteen thousandths

Bedmas Question

Eg. 32 x 1 + 8

First one is multiplication

32 + 8

Next is addition

Always put squared to know where your answer is.


L.C.M (Lowest Common Multiple)

Here's one of the things we learned in math for the past couple months.

L.C.M is the number that is the first equivalent number that comes in when you add the number up.

For example;

What is the L.C.M of 4 and 8?

4, 8, 12, 16
8, 16

And that's you answer! 16 is the L.C.M of 4 and 8.

Number Of The Day


Say my number is 4932.657

Then my answer will be,

All you have to do is expande the number of the day in expanded form, just like what i did there.

So it will looks like this.

Todays Number is: 4932.657

2. Write the number of the day in expanded form.

BEDMAS Question

Here's a BEDMAS question.

40 . (2+3) X 3(2)

40 . (5) X 3(2)

40 . (5) X 9

8 X 9


So my answer is 72

Another Of Our BEDMAS Question's

Heres another BEDMAS question.

18-3(2)+ (3+2)

18-3(2) + (5)

9 +(5)


Then my answer is 14

One Of Our BEDMAS Question's

This is one of our bedmas question's.

3X2+14 . 2
6+14 . 2

So the answer is 13

Borrowing Whole Numbers

Follow these steps to know how to borrow whole numbers (minus):

1. add it, Instead of Minus

2. take your denominator and make it a whole.
eg. 1/4 make it 4/4

3.plus then minus
eg. 4/4 + 1/4 - 3/4

4. solve it like the one that i maed on top and then minus it and see what you get! (thats the answer)

What B.E.D.M.A.S Means


This video shows what B.E.D.M.A.S means.

B) Brakets

E) Exponents

D) Divide

M) Multiply

A) Add

S) Sudtract

Number Of The Day


Say my number is 9753.182, then my answer is 4876.591.

How I got my answer is this,
I either did . (Divide)

If I did divide it would be like this...
--- 2

and I did that on a calculater.

Number of The Day: Question 12.

Divide the number of the day by 3.55 and round to the nearest hundredth.
*As an example, we'll use the number 2364.578*

1 - Divide the number of the day by 3.55 (2364.578
2 - We only need to know the whole number (666) and the tenths, hundredths and thousandths (0.078). So that leaves us with the number 666.078.
3 - The question states we have to then round to the nearest hundredth, which in this case, is the 7. To determine if it will stay as 7 or go onto 8, we need to use the next place value beside it (the thousandths). If the number that determines whether you round up or down is between 0-4, you round down. If the number is between 5-9, you round up. Since the thousandths place has an 8, we'll round the hundredth up. We end up with 666.08.
4 - We've done all the steps so the answer to this would be 666.08.

definition for constant

a number that does not change and it increases or decreases the value of an expression

definition for variable

a letter that represents an unknown number

EG X, A, N

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Divisibility Rules.

Here are the divisibility rules for:
1 - Any whole number (examples: 890, 6531, 33325 etc..).
2 - Any whole number that ends with a 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 (examples: 50, 9002, 5634, 1188).
3 - The sum of the whole number must have the factor of 3 (example: 1234. 1+2+3+4=10. 10 does not have the factor of 3).
4 - Any whole number that can be divisible by 2 twice (example: 240. 240÷2=120. 120÷2=60. 240 is divisible by 4).
5 - Any whole number that ends with 5 or 0 (examples: 3425, 100 etc..).
6 - The sum of the whole number must have the factor of 6/must be divisible by 2 and 3 (examples: 570. 5+7+0=12. 12 has the factor of 6/12. 12 is divisible by 2 and 3).
8 - Any whole number that can be divisible by 2 thrice (example: 624. 624÷2=312. 312÷2=156. 156÷2=78. 624 is divisible by 8).
9 - The sum of the whole number must have the factor of 9 (example: 6376. 6+3+7+6=22. 22 does not have the factor of 9).
10 - Any whole number ending in 0 (example: 10, 20, 30 etc..).
*These are the rules that we've gone through already*

Improper Fractions.

ABOVE: Examples of improper fractions.

An improper fraction is a fraction that has a greater numerator than the denominator.

Mathematical Variables.

A variable is a letter that represents an unknown number. (CLICK HERE for some more thorough explanations on variables).

Basically, it could be any letter, A through Z. Like Y, X, P, J or O.

Also, here is a video:

I found that the said video was easy to understand and helpful.

Mathematical Expression.

An expression is any single number or variable, or a combination of operations such as subtraction (-), addition (+), multiplication (x) or division (÷) involving numbers and variables.

Here are a few examples: 3+2=5, x+10=21, y=x-4.

Here is a print-out that focuses on Algebraic Expressions: CLICK HERE.

Prime Factors

Prime- number with only 2 factors 1 and itself.
Factors- goes into a number with no remainder.

Here's a video about Prime Factors of a number.

What's a numerator?

A numerator is the top number of a fraction this tells us how many parts of the whole we have or dealing with.


Here's a video on numerators and denominators.

What's a denominator?

A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction that tells us how many equal parts the whole is divided into.


Here's a video about the numerator and denominator.

Numerial Coefficant

A number that multiples the variable


any single number or variableof operations (-,+,x) involving numbers and variables

Improper Fraction

An improper fraction is a fraction that has a greater numerator than the denominator


Here's a video on how to change an improper fraction to a mixed number!


Expression- any single number or variable, or combination of operations involving numbers and variables.


A number that does not change and it increases or decreases the value of an expression.

What is a Mixed Number?

Mixed Number- Number made of a whole number and a proper fraction

Examples are; 1 1/2 and 2 5/8

How to answer number 24

How to answer number 24 in Number of the Day:

21; Use any two digits to make a proper fraction;

24;Draw a picture to represent the answer to number 21;


a known or calculated amount


a letter that represents an unknown number.

Eg, x, a, n

Numerical Coefficient

A numerical coefficient is a number that is multiplies a variable

An example is ; 2t

Friday, February 10, 2012

Divisibility Rule for 9

The rule for 9 is when you add all the digits of a number and it equals to a multiple of 9 (it can only be whole numbers and not fractions)

For example

Here's a link learn more about divisibility Click Here

Divisibility Rule for 9

The rule for 9 is when you add all the digits of a number and it equals to a multiple of 9 (it can only be whole numbers and not fractions)

For example

Here's a link learn more about divisibility Click Here

Number of the day (Thursdays)

# 3978.654
Question # 2
Write it in expanded form:

Numerical Coefficient

Numerical Coefficient a number that multiples the variable

2: Numerical
t: Variable

is G7 a Numerical Coefficient? Answer and explain why it is and why it's not.

Adding mixed numbers

A mix number is a number made up of a whole number and a fraction such as 1 whole and two thirds.

Common Denominator

Common denominator- a common multiple of the denominator of a set of fractions.

Number of the day

Today's number of the day, 2319.456

Writing a number in several ways

eg. 0.5
Fractions- one half

0.5 is one half of 1(whole)

Ratio- 1:2


←one half of each figure is taken.

-50 is one half of a 100
(which in percentage is one whole)