Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Number of the day #20

Write a fraction using the 1000's place as the denominator and the tenths place as the numerator
Example: 1234.567 = 2-5

Numerator and denominator

The Numerator is the top number of the fraction.
The Denominator is the bottom of the fraction.

Example: 3 - Numerator - 1
- -
4 - Denominator 2

What is a numerator and a denominator?

- A numerator is the top number of a fraction that tells us how many parts of the whole we have or are dealing with.


- A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction that tells us how many equal parts of the whole is divided into.


Divisiblity Rule for 3

The rule for 3 is you add all the digits in the number. If it is 3 or a multiple of 3 then it is divisible by 3.
For Example:

Number 3456

3+4+5+6= 18

18 is divisible by 3 because it is a multiple of three. 3, 6 ,9 ,12 , 15 ,18

Monday, December 19, 2011

Rule for 9

Sum of all the digits must equal 9
eg 18 1+8=9
225 2+2+5=9
623781 6+2+3+7+8+1=27

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Number of the day : Square the digits

Number of the day example : 9999.999

Q : Square the digit in hundreds place : _______________
A : 9 x 9 = 81

Do the MATH:
1) Find the Hundreds place (9)
2) Multiply it 2 times with the same number (9x9)
3) Put the answer in (..dreds place : 81)

Are you sure 2+2 is 4? Cuz from this it looks like FISH!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Common denominator

Common denominator- a common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractons.


The numerator is the top number of a fraction and tells us how many parts of the whole we have or what we are dealing with.


Order of operation


Multiple the product of any given number and natural number like 1,2,3.

Here are some examples:

Divisibility Rules

1-all whole numbers are divisible by 1.

2-even numbers are divisible by two eg:0,2,4,6,8,10

3-the sum of a digit must be a multiple of three.

4-all whole numbers that are divisible by two twice are divisible by 4.

5-all whole numbers ending with a 0 or a 5.

6-all numbers that are divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6.

8-numbers that can be divided by two three times are divisible by 8.

9-all whole numbers who's sum is divisible by 9.

10-all whole numbers ending with a zero are divisible by 10, eg:10,20,30

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Divisibility rule for 9
THe sum of all digest must equal 9
1+8=9 so 18 is divisible by nine
3+4x2divided by 2
7x2divided by 2
14 divided by 2

Divisibility rules

1-any whole number is divisible by 1.

2-all even numbers are divisible by 2.

3-the sum of the digits must be a multiple of three.

4-numbers that can be divided by two are divisible by 4.

5-all numbers that end with 0 and 5 are divisible by 5.

6-numbers that are divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6.

8-numbers that can be divided by two three times are divisible by 8.

10-all numbers that end with 0 are divisible by 10.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3x3+4squared -(4+2)divided by 2
3x3+4squared- 6divided by 2
9 +4squared - 6 divided by 2
25 -6divided by 2

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Divisibility rules

Divisibility rules for the following:

1-any whole number is divisible by 1.

2-all even numbers are divisible by 2.

3-the sum of the digits must be a multiple of three.

4-numbers that can be divided by two twice are divisible by 4.

5-all numbers that end with 0 and 5 are divisible by 5.

6-numbers that are divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6.

8-numbers that can be divided by two three times are divisible by 8.

10-all numbers that end with 0 are divisible by 10.

Textbook Chapter Review Pg. 146-147

Textbook Chapter Review
Pg. 146

Show How to Find Each Amount

1. Make a ratio table
2. Label the percent and number column
3. Put 100 under the percent
4. Then put your number, in this case 124
5. Divide and/or multiply to get to the asked percentage and in this case it's 75
6. Do the exact same thing to the other side.

Monday, December 12, 2011


A multiple is the product of any given number and natural numbers like 1,2,3..

EG. Some multiples of 3 are 3,6,9! It's is skip counting!!!
Example:List all first five multiples of the given numbers

Divisibility Rules

Divisibility Rules

1-All whole numbers are divisible by 1.

2-All even numbers are divisible by 2. Numbers that end in 0,2,4,6,8

3-All whole numbers whos sum is divisible by 3 is divisible by 3

4-Divisible by 2 twice

5-All whole numbers that end in 5 or 0

6-Numbers divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6

8-Number divisible by 2 three times are divisible by 8

9-All whole numbers whos sum is divisible by 9 are divisible by 9

10-All whole numbers that end in 0

Adding Fractions with unlike denominators.

Need more help with how to subtract fractions with unlike denominators? click here.
Need more help with how to add fractions with unlike denominators? click here.
Divisibility rules
Rule for 1
- all whole numbers are divisible by 1
Rule for 2
- all even number are divisible by 2
Rule for 3
-the sum of all digits must be divisible by 3
Rule for 4
- all numbers that are divisible by 2 twice
Rule for 5
- numbers that end with 5 an 0
Rule for 6
- any number that is divisible by 2 and 3
Rule for 8
-all numbers divisible by 2 three times
Rule for 9
-the sum of all digits must equal 9
Rule for 10
- all numbers that end with an 0

What are Multiples?

Multiples- the product of any given number and natural like 1,2,3...
Some multiples of 3,6,9,12,15...

Adding and Subtracting fractions

1/3 + 2/4

1st step: find the L.C.M. (Lowest Common Multiple)
3- 6,9,12
12 is the L.C.M.

2nd step: make the L.C.M. the Denominator of both fractions. By multiplying the number from the top as the number from the bottom.

3rd step: add the renewed fractions together.
4/12 + 6/12= 10/12

4th step: simplify the fraction.
10/12 = 5/6

Denominator and Numerator

Denominator- the bottom number of a fraction and tells us how many equal parts the whole is divided into.

Numerator- is the top number of a fraction and tells us how many parts of the whole we have or are dealing with.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators

We must find the common denominator.
Common Denominator- a common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions.

After that, you just add the numerator.
And then you are done!

adding and subtracting unlike denominators

we must find a common denominator a common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions

common factors

common factor

a number that has two or more numbers that its divisible by
common factors of 12 and 16

factors of 12
1x12 the common factors of 12 and 16 is 1,2,4
3x4 16 is 8 and 16
both IS 1,2 and 4
factors of 16 12 is 6,3 and 12

divisibility rule for 2

divisibility rule for 2

all even numbers are divisible by 2
even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8

adding and subtracting like denominators

add the numerator then keep the same number of the numerator
for example


what is a denominator?

A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction.

7 and 4 are a denominator

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lowest common denominator

L.C.D. is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of the denominators.

5/12 , 11/18 =36

Becuase its the least common multiple of 12 & 18!


The greatest common factor is the largest number that can divide a numbers evenly


the greatest is 3

Monday, December 5, 2011

Divisibility Rule for 4

All numbers that are divisible by four have to be divisible by 2 twice.

example: 4= 2X2 16 divided by 2=8 8divided by 2 = 4.
Rule for 1

ALL whole numbers are DIVISIBLE by 1

For Example:

Adding Fractions with the same denominator

-When adding fractions with the same denominator, you never change the denominator unless you had to simplify it. Only add up the numerator.



Any fraction that has the same numerator and denominator are equal to one/1 whole.

Simplifying/Smallest common factor

- Simplifying is finding the fraction's smallest common factor.


Text Book pg. 214 # 6

TEXTBOOK page 214 number 6

Write each addition statement shown by the fraction strips.
Estimate the answer and then add.

Adding Fractions with Common Denominators.

When adding fractions with the same denominator, all you have to do is add the numerator and place the sum on top of the denominator.

For more learning and understanding go to this link.
To simplify a fraction, go to this link.

Question 10

Determine the sum of each fraction statement. Write each answer in lowest terms:

Here's a link to practise.
Here's a video to help you out!

Divisibility Rules for 8.

All numbers must be divisible by 2 thrice.
ex: 8 = 2x2x2
24÷2=12 / 12÷2=6 / 6÷2=3.
24 is divisible by 8.

Divisibility rule for 5

All numbers ending in 0 or 5
eg: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
question and answer for # 8

which one is divisible by 8

10 082 ANSWER
525 580 580 would cause 10x8=10
175 175 wont cause 175÷8=21.875
920 920 would cause 920÷8=115

Text book page 214-216


Write each addition statement shown by pattern blocks. Estimate then add.

How to find answer: You look at the shape and see how much make up the whole. eg if I had a square and 4 pieces make up the whole 4 would be your whole. Then you look at how much are shaded in. Look at the other shape and see how much is shaded in. Next you make a fraction. The denominator would be the number of the whole and the numerator would be how much is shaded. You should have 2 fractions. Add the both of the fractions numerators. Don't add the denominators. Once you added both numerators the denominator should be the same. Now you got your answer.

Divisible rules by 10

The sum of all digits must equal by 10


19 28 14554
1+9=10 2+8=10 1+4+5+5+4=19


Fractions that equal 1

Fractions that equal 1

- Any numerator and denominator with the same number is equal to 1.


Divisibility Rules for 9
The sum of all digits MUST equal 9

1+8=9 225
Divisibility Rule for 6

Any number that is divisible by 2 and 3 not just 2 and not just 3. But Both 2 and 3 for it to be divisible by 6.

e.g 12 is a divisible by 6 because 3x4=12 and 2x6= 12

So 12 is divisible by 6 because 12 is both divisible by 2 and 3 not just 2 and not just 3 but both 2 and 3.

Another example is 24 divisible by 6? Yes it is! Because 2x12=24 and 3x8=24.
24 has both 2 and 3 and not just 2 and not just 3 but both 2 and 3.

I have a Question is 124 divisible by 6? If you figured it out post the Answer and explain why.

Divisibility Rule for 2.

All even number are divisible by 2.
Even numbers ends in 0,2,4,6,8
Odd Numbers ends in 1,3,5,7,9

Question/Answer 7

Textbook 214-216
Number 7#

Write each addition statement shown
by the diagrams. Then add. Write your
answer in lowest terms.

Eg. two eights + two eights =four eights just add on the top not on the bottom.

Textbook - pg. 214, question #10.

You can answer this question by adding the fractions and convert them into it's simplest/lowest terms if needed.

For example, A is already in it's lowest terms so it stays the same.

Question no.10 from textbook

You need to answer these problems by adding the fractions and simplify if needed.

These are the problems:

Check Spelling

Divisibility Rule for 2

All even numbers are divisible by 2.
Even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
For example:
26, 34, 56, 120 are all divisible by 2.
55, 23, 99, 65 are not.

Divisibility Rule for 5

Divisible- when a number can be divided by another number with no remainder.

Divisibility rule for 5:
All numbers ending at either 0 or 5.

Link about divisibility rule for 5 click here

Video about divisibility rules: