Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Number of the Day #25

This is how you do number 25 on the Number of the Day booklet.
All percent are out of 100. So, you need to make 2 to 100. If it is hard for you to make 2 to a 100, then follow these steps :

Step 1 : You need to change the the fraction to a decimal. Decimals are always out of 1.

For example,

Remember, whatever you do at the top you have to do at the bottom. Since, 2 divided by 2 is 1, you need to do divide 1 by 2. 1 divided by 2 is 0.5 or 0.50.

Step 2 : Now, you need to change the decimal to a percent. Since percent are out of 100, you need to multiply the bottom number to 100, or something else, if you didn't use the decimal.

For example,

Since I used the decimal, 1 times 100 is 100. Whatever you do at the bottom, you need to do at the top. 0.5 times 100 is 50.

The percent of a 1 and a half is 50%.

Number of the day #20

Write a fraction using the 1000s place as the denominator and the tenths place as the numerator.

How to find #20

First you look at the number of the day and find the 1000s and tenths place.

Next you make a fraction. Use the number in the 1000s place for the number at the bottom of the fraction. Use the number in the tenths place for the number at the top of the fraction.

If the top of the fraction is greater than the bottom it is a improper fraction. If the top is less than the bottom it is a proper fraction.

Number of the day # 24.

Number of the day, # 24.

Draw a picture to represent the answer to number 21.

Number of the day

21. Use any two digits to make an proper fraction:

A link about proper fraction click here

Number of the Day #23

Proper to Decimal

Decimals are always over 1.
Whatever you do at the top you have to do at the bottom.
8 ÷ 8 = 1
1 ÷ 8 = 0.125

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Page146-147 Question4

1.Make a ratio table
2.Put % on the left side and # on the right side
3.Put 100 under the percent sign
4.Put 124 under the number sign
5.Try to complete it using division or multiplication
6.You do exactly the same things on the same side

Question #8

8. How could you mentally find 40% of 180?

- 1) break 180 down to a friendly number. 180 = 100+80
- 2) Divide the % number to 100. 40% Divided by 100 = 0.4
- 3) Then multiply 0.4 to the friendly number 0.4 x 100 = 40
- 4) Divide the rest of the number 180 to 100. 80 Divided by 100 = 0.8
- 5) Multiply the answer to 40. 0.8 x 40 = 32
- 6) Then add 32 to 40. 32 + 40 = 72

Pg. 146-147 [Review], Question 5.

You should know what fractions look like/how much they are equal to.
The easiest way to represent a fraction is to draw a pie.
This is the pie I used to help me answer these questions. It's divided into eighths.

For B you'll have to convert your fraction into percent. You can do this 2 ways [for both you'll either have to divide or multiply, and whatever you do to the top you MUST do it to the bottom/vice versa]:
The first way to do this is take the denominator and try to make it into 100 [multiply it by whatever number will make it into a 100, or divide if the denominator is more than 100]. Again, what you do to the top you must to the bottom [vice versa]! if you do this correctly, you then take the numerator and add a percent sign to it [ex: 10%]. Show your work!
The second way to do this if your denominator cannot be multiplied or divided evenly is to first convert it into a decimal [see How to do C] after that you multiply the denominator by 100 [percents are always out of 100], then the numerator by 100 and you will get your answer [which may have since you couldn't multiply/divide it evenly]. Take the numerator add a percent sign to it. Show your work!

For C you'll have to convert your fraction into a decimal. There is one way to do this. Remember, what you do to the top you do to the bottom! always! it's a MUST! [vice versa].
All you have to do is take your denominator and divide it by itself [ex: if the denominator is an 8 then you must divide it by 8]. You should get a 1 and always a 1 [decimals are always out of 1!]. 'What you do to the top you must do it to the bottom [vice versa]' divide the numerator by it's denominator! [ex: The denominator is 8 and the numerator is 3. So you divide 3 by 8.]. There, now you have your decimal! [ex: 0.375 over 1].

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Textbook: pg. 146, question #4.

These are the steps I took to find the answers to the questions.
-Whatever you do to the left side, you must do in the right side.

1. You must create a ratio table with a percent sign (%) on the left column & a number sign (#) on the right column.
2. On the percent column, you would have to put a 100 under it & any number under the number column.
3. You can multiply or divide to get your answer, but you cannot add nor subtract.
4. You can also add the numbers together when you multiply or divide them. But when you do, you'd have to do the same to the other side.

Page 146-147 Question #4

1. Make a ratio table
2. Put # and % on each side.
3. Put 100 under percent.
4. Put 124 under number.
5. Try to complete it using only Division and Multiplication
6. Do exactly the same thing on the other side.

How to find 75% of 124.

Steps I did to find the answer.
1. Make a ratio table.
2. Put the percent sign on the left column and the number sign on the right column. (%, #)
3. To make things easy, you should always start with 100 under the % and whatever number it is under the #.
4. Find an easy number to start of with like, divide 100 by then.
IMPORTANT RULE: Whatever you do to the right, you do to the left.
5. You can divide it or multiply it to get the answer, but you can't subtract.
6. You can also add the numbers you get when you divide or multiply, but you'll have to do the same thing to the other side.

Ratio tables; Question 4

a) divide
by 10
b) divide by 2
divide by 2 again
c) divide
by 2
d) divide
by 4
multiply by 3

How to find percent.

The other questions are 25% of 84, 50% of 98 and 75% of 124

All you do is the same thing, on the left side you need to egt to your percent in this case 10.

Math book page 146 number 4.

4. Show how to find each amount.
a) 10% of 25 b) 25% of 84
c) 50% of 98 d) 75% of 124

Ratio Table

Page 146-Number 4-A
That is how found out 10% of 25, all you do is divide it by 2 then 5. What you divide on the left side you have to do the same thing in the other side.

Textbook chapter review pg 146-147

Textbook Chapter review
pg 146

Show how to find each amount

How I found the amounts for #4
First I made a ratio table. Then I put the percent and the number. Next I divided both the percent and number by 2. I divided the number and percent by 2 again to get to 75 faster. The last thing I did was multiply both the number and percent by 3. That's how I got my answer!

Ratio Table

Find 40% of 180.

1. Make a ratio table
2. Label the percent and number column
3. Put 100 under the percent
4. Then put your number, in this case 180
5. Divide and/or multiply to get to the asked percentage and in this case it's 40
6. Do the exact same thing to the other side.

Rule: Whatever you do to the left you do to the right.

Click here for a link.

Question 4

Show how to find each amount:
Make a ratio table. Whatever you do to the left you do to the right.

4 a: Find 10% of 25

I first divided 100 by 10 and equals to 10. Whatever I do to the left I do to the right. So I divided 25 by ten it gave me 2.5. 10% of 25 is 2.5.

4 b: Find 25% of 84

I first divided 100 by 4 and equals to 25. Whatever I do to the left I do to the right. So I divided 84 by 4 and equals to 21. 25% of 84 is 21.

4 c: Find 50% of 98

I first divided 100 by 2 and equals to 50. Whatever I do to the left I do to the right. So, I divided 98 by 2 it equals to 49. 50% of 98 is 49.

4 d: Find 75% of 124

I first divided 100 by 4 equals to 25. Then I multiplied 25 by 3 which equals to 75. Whatever I do to the left I do to the right. So, I divided 124 by 4 equals to 31. Then I multiplied 31 by 3 equals to 93. 75% of 124 is 93.

Here's a link for more information and tips about this tip.

Here's a video on how to calculate a percentage.

Question # 4 from chapter 4

Connect fractions,decimals and percents.

1. Use a ratio table
2.Perform the operation needed.
3.Then look for the answer.

Text book review test.. number #4

Review number 4#
How I did it?

I found the percent by using a ratio table
it very easy to use!

1st Ill give example on letter b)
If you see the sigh that has a percent on it like this % you always put 100 there cause a Percent always out of 100!!

so put100 there then I divide it by 2 do get to the number (50)

then I divide by 2 again to make it 25...

25 is the number we need! So 25%

2. If you see the other side of the ratio table you will see a sign that says number like this #
hat I did on the other side ( percent%) do it the same way in the number sign

ratio tabel: percent sign I divide all that 2 the number we need is 25%
divide two like what we did on the percent sign but its the Number sign!
so use the number 84 that says 25% of 84
then divide 2 it makes 42 then divide 2 again an it'l make 21 so you got the percent (25) and got your number (21)

and equals to 25% of 21!!!

Decimal Number as a Fraction

TEXTBOOK- page 147 number 15

Change decimal to fractions.

how to do it-
1- decimals are always out of 1. so write a decimal number and put over one under it.
2- Multiply the number by on how many numbers come after the decimal.
3 example 0.75. two numbers come after a decimal so thats 100. multiply 100 to 0.75 and one and you'll get the fraction of it.

Question #9 from Chapter 4 Review

The cost of a backpack is 60% of the cost of a shirt.

a) If the shirt costs $32.60, how much does the backpack cost?


1.Change the percent to a decimal.

2.Multiply it to how much the shirt cost.

3.You get the answer.

.60 x $32.60

Answer is of how much the backpack cost: $19.56

b)What is the total price of a backpack and shirt before tax?


1.Add the answer from how much the backpack cost from Question A with how much the shirt cost.

$19.56 + $32.60 = $52.16

Answer is: $52.16

A video about turning percents to decimal:

A link about it click here

Monday, November 14, 2011

Page 139 #8

Page 139 #8
Bar notation...
Write repeating decimal with a bar notation.

How I did it? :

I did it like this what it says on the picture!
every repeating decimal doesn't stop! so a shorter way to say it is put a bar notation on the top!
Like this... --- ←
o.5555555= o.5 ←

The solution is:

where to put the bar notation!!
and a shorter way to make it.
Its and easier way!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bar notation, percents and decimals

Change each fraction to a repeating
decimal. Then use bar notation to show
the repeating part

What I did is I answered every problem,
next is putting bar notation, bar notation
makes stuff easier because it means repeatition of
a number. For example if you put a bar of 6 its
automatically 66666666666 in Math.

Page 139 Question #22

22) Use a calculator to figure out the answers:



There is more but the numerator is just changing.. nothing really special. So here are the answers :

7 = 0.142857142857142857142857142857

7 = 0.285714285714285714285714285714

TOO HARD 4 YA? I KNOW, IT IS FOR ME TOO (hehe)! So rather than just doing all those number all over, just put a line on top of the numbers being repeated.

E.g. :
**_____Which one is better?

}<> FISHY!!

how to answer the question

According to an article in the newspaper, 35% of Regina residents like winter. If the population of Regina is 178 000, how many people like winter? Show two different ways to find the answer


1.First start from 100%, because percentage is out of 100.

2.Second Divide or Multiply to get to the percentage asked.

3.Finally what ever you do on the right side do the same on the left side.

Another way to get the answer from the question:


1.First you have to change your percentage asked to a decimal.

2.Then you Multiply it to the number mentioned at the population.

3.Then you get the answer.

A video about ratio tables:

A link about ratio tables click here

Textbook pg 137 #5

Question number 5 tells us to: use a calculator to change fraction to decimal. Round to place value indicated.

First you look at the fraction. Then on your calculator you put the number of the numerator and then press the divide sign, then you put the number of the denominator. When you press the equal button it will give you a number. Then you round it to the place value that the text book gives you.

Bar Notation

TEXTBOOK- page 138
no. 9

Bar Notations

How to do it - You put a bar on the top of the number if the answer is a repeating number or if the number goes on and on.

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Steps to convert fractions to decimals.

1. Divided the denominator to itself.
now the denominator is one.

2. Now you divided the denominator to the
numerator. Now you have a decimal over one.

3. Finally round it off to the place value indicated.

Also Here is a picture of the place values we are going
to use.

These are the place values
we are going to use for the
questions below. Also we will
be using ten thousandths just for
rounding off.

5.Use a calculator to change each fraction to
a decimal number. Round to the place
value indicated.
p.g 137 in MathLinks 7

Number 5 questions.

a) round to the nearest tenth e.g 0.1, 0.2 , 03 .etc

<-As you see I followed all the steps
the 0.5/1 was supposed to be 0.52/1.
remember below 5 stays, over 5 five
goes up. 2 in the hundredths place is below
5. So 0.5 stays as 0.5.

b) Round it off to the nearest hundredth e.g 0.10, 0.20, 0.25 .etc

<-As you Again I followed all the steps.
this picture is already rounded off.
The real numbers were 0.49767442.
The numbers you have to look at to round
off the decimal is 0.497 remember below 5 stays
over 5 five goes up. 7 is above 5 so the
hundredths place goes up by one.
That's why it's 0.50/1.

c)Round it off to the nearest tenth e.g 0.1, 0.2 , 03 .etc

<-Once again I followed all the steps.
This picture is once again rounded off
already. The real numbers were 0.86.
6 is above 5 so 8 goes up by one. I guess you
know the rules for rounding off
below 5 stays and above 5 goes up.

d)Round it off to the nearest thousandth e.g 0.123, 0.234, 0.345, 0.543. etc

<- Finally! The last one. As you see I followed all the
steps. This picture is already rounded off. The original
number of 0.682/1 was 0.6816609. I look at the ten
thousandths place it was the number 6. 6 is above 5 so
the thousandths place goes up by one.

I hope you guys learned Something!

Things I used:
Math Notes
My Head
The Computer.

Here's a link to learn more.

Also you can play this
Game converting fractions
to decimals.
Read Instructions First before playing

Also don't be afraid on making mistakes.
Mistakes help you learn something new.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Using Bar Notation.

Question 8, Pg. 138.

You only use Bar Notation if the decimal repeats and goes on forever.
As you see in Part C it is 0.1877777..., you wouldn't use the Bar Notation on the whole decimal [0.187] you would only use it over the 7 because that's the only number that repeats.